SPIME: A group project with classmate Mowei Tian
I had the opportunity to combine Industrial Design with Interaction Design in the making of this “SPIME”. “SPIMES”, per author Bruce Sterling who coined the term, “are designed on screens, fabricated by digital means, and precisely tracked through space and time throughout their earthly sojourn.” (Shaping Things, 11)
The SPIME that my classmate, Mowei Tian, and I designed is a speculative medical device that scans bottles of vitamins, supplements and medication in order to detect negative drug interactions. Each SPIME is programmed with the user’s specific medical history and information so that the device knows when the user takes certain supplements, and how long to wait before the next supplement can be taken. This device is to prevent overdose.
I have acquired the skill of learning how to install and use an RFID scanner with its corresponding RFID tags. I also learned how to edit videos in order to incorporate sound, suggesting what plays out on the screen of the SPIME.